Memberships soar for NDIS community

An always-on digital advertising campaign program delivers new memberships across two key market segments for launch phase of NDIS business.

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Our objective was to accelerate member sign-ups across both consumer and business audiences, leveraging Google Advertising and paid social media channels.

  • 4,236% increase in new consumer members, launch phase
  • 2,989% increase in goal conversion rate for consumer, launch phase
  • 6,800% increase in new provider members, launch phase
  • 2,824% increase in goal conversion rate for provider, launch phase

A review of conversion tracking metrics and an analytics restructure was first delivered to enable improved optimisation to conversion and allow cross-web and app conversion tracking. A digital advertising strategy was then developed and an ongoing program of digital marketing delivered across Google Ads (SEM), Facebook and Instagram advertising.

The following was delivered:

  • Digital Advertising Strategy
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Google advertising (SEM)
  • Conversion tracking restructure + implementation
  • Digital dashboard creation

The online marketing program of work continues to deliver significant membership growth across core markets.

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